Sponsor/Customer Deposit Instructions for Authorized Users
The authorized user/depositor will open a web browser to access the TouchNet Business Office application in one tab and the TouchNet Account Number Generator For Customer Payments in another tab. Links to both sites can be located on the website of the Office of Billing and Payment Services.
Note: Access to the TouchNet application is granted after approval from the Campus Finance Office and the user has attended mandatory training.
The authorized user/depositor will enter the Detail Code of CS11, the amount, and the desired deposit description. Toggle to the browser tab with the TouchNet Account Number Generator for Customer Payments web tool. The appropriate sponsor/customer payment data elements are populated in the TouchNet Account Number Generator for Customer Payments web tool and a concatenated accounting string is returned. Copy the concatenated accounting string, ensuring the entire string is copied by moving the cursor to the right until the highlight stops. Toggle back to the TouchNet application and paste the accounting string into the Account Number field.
Enter the Invoice Number in uppercase letters in the Invoice Number field (formatted like CINV- 123456)
Enter the Customer/Sponsor Number in the Customer or Sponsor field (formatted like CUS-12345 or SPON- 12345)
After the sponsor/customer payment deposit is successfully completed, print two (2) copies of the screen displaying the sponsor/customer payment deposit information. One copy is taken to the Cash Office with the funds to be deposited. The cashier will verify the funds received agree with the amount reflected on the screen print. The Cashier will validate the sponsor/customer payment deposit and submit the sponsor/customer payment deposit to be posted in the finance system. The Cashier will provide a receipt to the depositor confirming the submission of the sponsor/customer payment deposit. The receipt can be attached to the second copy of the screen print for records retention.