Cashiering Deposits

Deposit items in error status that remain uncorrected after two business days of being reported to the depositor will be credited to an unapplied deposits account. This action is necessary because a single deposit item in error status prevents the posting of all deposit items for the day. Crediting deposit items in error status to the unapplied deposits account allows the remaining (correct) deposit items to post.

The details of the policy appear below:

The Revenue and Receivables Office will

  • Notify the depositor that the item(s) are in error status within two business days of deposit
    • Provide a screenshot of the deposit, showing the information as entered
    • Provide a description of the GMS error(s) associated with the deposit item
  • If no correction is received from the depositor within two business days of the aformentioned notification, adjust the deposit item as follows:
    • Credit worktags
      • Account: 20262
      • Cost Center: CC1076
      • Fund: 1701
      • Program: PG999999
    • Update the memo line to include the depositor’s name and deposit ID
  • Notify the depositor that the item was so adjusted

Depositors will

  • Contact the Revenue and Receivables Office within two business days of being notified of a deposit item in error status with corrected deposit information
  • In the event that a deposit item is adjusted, create an accounting journal debiting the account and worktags above and credit the correct account and worktags
